Tuesday, May 28, 2019

You've Got to Live for Today, Then Let it Go

Bubble and Squeak, Colcannon, Rumbledethumps....Whatever you end up calling this concoction, pat yourself on the back because it may be the best use of all your leftover vegetables.  Its proof that mashed potatoes and cabbage really befriend any addition as long as you throw some cheese on top.  This looks like a giant amount but actually it was not that much and I used Almond Milk.  But you must use real butter because, honestly.
Cabbage, mushrooms, ground beef, carrots, tomatoes, cheddar, green peppers, onions.  This is a leftover casserole, so chop up all your cooked vegetables and throw them into smashed up potatoes.  A buttered pan will get a nice crisp on the bottom. Keep pressing it all down. Thus the bubble and squeak noises commence.  Or you can throw the whole thing in the oven. And if like me your vegetables were leftover but not cooked, even better.  You can chop them all up in small pieces and cook to desired consistency.  This makes the dish more vibrant. But trust me, you can't screw this up. If you need a recipe

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