Sunday, May 19, 2019

If I Could, I Would

do it jewish GIF

Have you roasted a Poblano pepper lately?  If not, you must do so immediately.  Right on the stovetop burner is absolutely fine and a great way to really get the smell going in the house.  This sets the tone for loads of rustic dinner ideas.  Instead of the amazing cheese laden stuffed, battered and fried chile relleno, I cooked up some ground turkey with garlic, onions and spices and just opened up the skinned roasted vessel and presented it open faced. a little toasted bread crumbs on top. I made some spicy but creamy corn meal masa and corn on the cob to accompany.  If I were on a competitive cooking show, I think the judges may say that this needs a sauce and they would be right.  A warm mild white cheese sauce could be cool or to cut through, a nice light tomato-y sauce might be even better. 

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