It's been so hot here there haven't been words. Been spending the summer in Brokelyn, the stay-cation if you will. You wait all year for summer and then complain about how hot it is. Extreme heat can make you grouchy and I start to feel like an infant kicking it's legs and bawling in one of those onesies. You can feel that most people or a lot of them anyway are away at some exotic or relaxing location. They're summer home perhaps. But it makes it more tolerable to go take walks or bike rides for the common folk. Less populated this town could be comfortable. Imagine Trader Joes if you could actually shop and look at the product instead of forced to make your decision and move on because there are 7 other people trying to look at the same item.
We did our usual Saturday morning decompressing ritual. Ate a quick breakfast than set out to see an afternoon movie in the cool air conditioning comfort. Horrible Bosses. Ehhh. Just okay. Definitely had its moments and we enjoyed it. Kind of like this summer. Kinda surprised Jennifer Aniston is doing soft porn now. Does Hollywood really have to slut out our aging female stars who made their careers mostly off of their looks? Creepy if you ask me.
On the way back found some purple potatoes, fresh sweet corn and red bell peppers for my pork stew. Had the most beautiful piece of pork. Not the go to meal for a heatwave but sometimes you gotta heat it up to cool it down.