Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Everyone Is So Untrue

Honestly, there is a bounty of easy online recipe sites that feature a good Slow Cooker Beef Stew.  I'm so grateful for these ladies that took the time to methodically write out each and every step to make their recipes and create these colorful easy to navigate websites.  And they're all free!  So why am I going to trash them now by saying they're all the freaking same!?  And why do I care for that matter? They all start with Welcome, my name is Betsy, Alison or Marilyn, and how they just love sharing recipes.  Always, the same smiling picture on the far right of the page of a young thin, healthy woman. They each tell their cute, non-offensive little family story on top, next to a food teaser montage, about why they just love stew or how their grandma taught them this or that.  It's usually personal but not deep. The pictures are professionally lit and the food always looks great.  They have the same recipe card, ingredient list, social media links at the bottom.  It works. Furthermore here I come like a bad house guest bursting onto these sites on the regular, quickly scanning down through the nonsense to steal the actual recipe nut and leaving like those monkeys in India.

.Claver Monkey | Stealing Food | Funny - GIF on Imgur
Slow Cooker Beef Stew
It's not these sites that are the problem, I hear this from my sister too.  It just begins to feels like normal women are either not represented enough or non-existent.  You start to doubt your own reality.  People over 50 are vanishing from the face of the earth.  Plus I want to know I'm not the only one who wants to put a frying pan to my husband's head daily.  No one cares about finding your soulmate.  Where are the other women who aren't getting getting laid properly or at all for that matter.  Who's tired of mommy kisses and pats on the head like the kind you give a good dog?  Where is the day to day reality being shared about marriage?  It certainly wasn't on social media.  I'm not looking to blame or trash, just share.  I don't like being invisible.  I would be lucky to get a second look if I set myself on fire in the middle of my living room.  So even though, it's not connected on the surface, but just a symptom of the problem, these women aren't helping with their 1950's take on cooking and married life.

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