Sunday, March 24, 2024

Slow and Low, That is the Tempo

Easy Oven Baked Ribs courtesy of Inspired
I never make ribs and I'm not sure why.  They really are super easy and a fun alternative to chicken.  Spice them up, wrap them in foil with herbs and garlic and sauce them at the end.  These are made low and slow, so you get to have the anticipation factor.   I love things that take hours in the oven.  You feel like you're accomplishing something when all you have to do is wait.

Where this fresh summer corn comes from early, I'm not sure but it was indeed super sweet.  And this time I only steam boiled the brussels spouts in a garlic, lemon stock then finished with butter and Parmesan, to keep their freshness locked in and they really did taste and look like spring.  This removes all of the bitter taste as well.  These give a pure relief from the spicy rub and sauce on the ribs.  I made my own quick barbecue sauce with honey, ketchup, soy, hoisin, garlic, onion, mustard and hot sauce.  

Breakfast featured my leftover shake of banana, strawberry and yogurt  over grain cereal with fruit and nuts.

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