Thursday, March 15, 2018

Lay Across My Big 'Grass' Bed

Balsamic Glazed Chicken
This was really good.  I'm the girl that buys a bottle of something and God forbid I don't love it because I'm way too cheap to waste it either.  I take it on as a personal challenge to create ways to enjoy it. As is the case with this particular Pear Balsamic Vinegar I purchased.
Its the honey in the recipe that cut through the tang for me and it also helped to give the chicken great color.
I like to make beds for my meat.  Quinoa, boxed frozen spinach, lots of garlic and a few leftover shaved brussels sprouts made a delicious place to rest my shiny chicken.  And toasting the quinoa gives a great nutty quality, like crispy rice.

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