Friday, September 3, 2010

Ridin' the Storm Out!

Confession: There was a not-brief-enough moment in time where I thought maybe REO Speedwagon didn't suck. I was 13! And Gary Richrath was kind of a good guitar player and I read in CREAM that he wrote songs too and produced. I was basically a 13 year old boy trapped in the body of a 13 year old girl with the body of a 13 year old boy. ...who wanted to play lead guitar.

...but anyway, where's this hurricane?

The repeated 90 plus degree days with matching humidity have briefly squelched my inspiration to create in the kitchen. I was assured by Lee Goldberg, my friendly TV weatherman that the high heat would be caput by today but here we are again sweatin' it out and not even a drop of rain from Hurricane Earl.

With the promise of cooler temperatures and rain, my mind was already moving towards the soups and stews but it looks like we'll be keeping it fresh for another week or so. If I have to eat another cold salad I'm gonna beat someone.

My mind and body have felt like they are on a low roast since May! I'm not even sure I'm coming out of this season with all my remaining brain cells in tact. And to be honest, the meter was running a bit low since my 20's and mispent youth.

That's okay, I can do this! I just have to rethink all my grocery item choices. My mom's stewed chicken and rice with corn and squash plan turned into a blackened chicken with a side apple, chick pea salad on a bed of (left over) arugula tonight.

I'm pretty frugal and that coupled with my C-guilt, I really feel bad about wasting food so I eat leftovers. We spent the rest of last week making short work of that pork shoulder. Now, its time to move on and Roll with the Changes. Awful.

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