The holidays are over. The snow is melting. I'm back on the bike instead of taking the bus and subway, or worse, walking, trudging through slushy Red Hook streets trying to get to work.
Things are getting back to normal. There is such a build-up for this time of year that when its over I can't help but feel so relieved and wonder how do we ever get the energy to go through all this nonsense? The true holiday and seeing family & friends is great. ALL the other stuff is a little grueling. Its been said many times, many ways but how did we turn such a beautiful holiday into this horrid, stress filled shopping nightmare. I don't even buy presents but you can't escape it in some form or another.
I was someones secret santa at work. Now its been a chore to get the ding-dang present there on the same day this kid works. And that's stress you don't need, buying a cheap gift for some coworker that you barely know but that won't get ridiculed by everyone in the department. And its a tough crowd believe me.
And then the apartment. I tried to make the living room look somewhat festive so now I have to drag out a lawn bag full of pine branches that have already found their way in just about everything.
I was so happy to bring out all the little knick knacks and candles that make it feel like Christmas and now I can't wait to get it all packed up, vacuumed and stored away. Funny isn't it? Funny how you get so tired of the everyday same 'ole and when change does happen you long for routine and the familiar becomes comforting again.
In honor of the norm I made a simple dinner last night. Just a ham sandwich with mayo, lettuce, tomato, red onions and I added slices of avocado to replace the cheese. I served that alongside Pop Chips and wild rice and beans.
It'll take a couple of weeks to really get things all the way back. I need to thoroughly clean the fridge. I need to restock all the food staples and get back to healthy eating instead of all the leftover plates. Fortunately, January's dance card is completely open.
There is beauty in routine but only when you can break out of it entirely from time to time. That's true with most things I suppose.
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Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?