But thus is life after 40 in this town. Sigh. It's good though, it breeds humility and humbleness.
Thank goodness for chili con carne when you're feelin' all cold and a little needy! This is the working man's stew. Ground beef, roasted veggies, two kinds of beans. Am I right or am I right? It is all the attention I need tonight.
I got the fresh tomatillos, cilantro, green and red bell peppers, the biggest jalapenos from the market on the way home. I commenced to roast some and saute the others with some onion and garlic.
I browned the ground beef, added my special homemade chili powder and spices let that get all romantic with the vegetables before adding my beans, pinto and black and whole roma tomatoes.
A little thing I do at the end because P likes his chili thick is I add a bit of fine corn meal as a thickener and also a nice flavor boost.
Woke up today, my day off, to more snow but I know that I have that big pot waiting for me and the sun is coming out and nothing sucks at the moment.
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