Tuesday, March 12, 2019

I'll Share My World With You

I'm only sharing this disgrace because even though it was really tasty, it was also done wrong.  It's Mexican Shrimp Fried Rice.  So true confession, I have never made successful fried rice in my opinion.  I'm getting closer.  The problem is not the ingredients but the technique.  What I'm not getting right?  Separation. For it to look right, the rice must separate, stay moist but also some crispy bits.  It tastes good because it's rice and shrimp and vegetables.  I started with pre-cooked rice, which is key and fresh shrimp.  What I did wrong?  Another confession, I hate reading recipes.  It feels like school.  But sometimes it could really save a ton of mistakes and time.  In this way I'm stubborn and pig-headed.  I didn't get high enough heat on the wok.  I didn't use enough oil.  AND even though I made the little pocket, the egg didn't cook properly before spreading out to the other ingredients because again, the wok was not hot enough.  Some people just do the egg separately and add it later or they cook it first before the rice, but I don't like the egg to dry out too much. 

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