Saturday, February 26, 2011

You Can't Hurry Thugs, No You Just Have to Wait

I love going to PathMark because a good portion of their customers are nice old ladies that I enjoy talking to.  I go on my day off, fairly relaxed, I have some good conversations, and then wheel my booty home and trek it up the two flights of stairs just in time to watch Dr Oz talk to some woman about her vagina. Done. But this week I had another migraine that I couldn't shake. I thought maybe fresh air would help.  The light of day was rough but then the fluorescent lighting in the store was brutal.  I was wobbling down the aisles just trying to get anything in the cart so I could race home before I threw up.

I was hoping to browse the fresh produce and meat market for good deals.  I only had one clear dish that I knew I wanted to make but the rest was supposed to be the fun part of shopping. 

I managed to fill the cart with God knows what but I just needed to get out of there.  I get in a line maybe 6 carts deep.  Every customer took a long time but then the girl in front of me, she was the nail in my coffin.  That girl had problems with just about every single item price in her cart.  And the poor cashier had the patience of a saint but it musta took like a half an hour to complete each transaction.  And you know the girl had to split her order up into two purchases.

Like I said, I love PathMark in many ways but anyone would have to admit, it can be a bit ghetto in there depending on when you shop.  Thursday I walk in and some mother was screaming at her small child in ways that made me want to call child services.  Some other woman was standing in every one's way right at the entrance spewing such lewd and vial hatred into her cell phone that the livery drivers were blushing. 

The girl in front of me didn't care one bit that the line was growing and growing behind her.  She had to get her Rib Shaped Pork Patties two for five, like she saw 'em in the flier.  Did she have the flier?  Of course not.  Was there one handy?  No.  Our course even  if she did have the correct variety to get the deal, she needed a PathMark card.  No she didn't have one.  Could she ask me nicely or would she just say 'let me have your PathMark card' and reach for it without looking at me? 

Did I hand it right over to her?  Yes, but let me explain.  I am a small Mexican woman in Brooklyn with no power or desire for power.  I just want to gather my nuts and go home.  I don't want hassle or any stink on me when I get home. I am a monkey of peace.  Plus I'm very nervous by nature.

But that's one pet peeve of mine.  When the cashiers hand you change and can't bother to look at you so of course they aim a foot short of reaching comfortably so you have to stretch to get it.  Petty?  I don't know.  It happens to me 90% of the time I buy something in this town.  It gets to me, I have to be honest.  I want someone to tell me, 'have a nice day'.  I want a simple smile and a thanks. Basically, I just want something at the end of my transaction that does not feel like a big F. U.
By the time I got home and schlepped everything upstairs I wasn't inspired to create much.  I just quick fried some super thin pork chops and then rolled them in BBQ sauce at the end, steamed up some broccoli and made a quick white mac and cheese.  It was the simple smile and thanks I needed.  P loved the broccoli, steamed just enough with a little squirt of lime and a dash of Caesar salad dressing.

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