Friday, February 11, 2011

Don't Give Up on Me Baby - I Could Still Come Through

When in doubt lately, I make a new chili powder blend.  I could not get it together today.  I couldn't figure out how to get going.  Maybe I'm tired. Maybe its the winter blahs.  Its not emotional enough to be the blues. 
But at least in my lethargy I managed to gather food making ideas for the upcoming week.  We will celebrate V'day with a couple hot dishes - simple but love inducing concoctions. 

Someone asked me to make brownies at work so maybe they could 'trade' them for guava cupcakes.  Trade my brownies???  I don't think so fool!  But what are these guava cupcakes they speak of?  I googled,  found a cool recipe with every kinda guava and I will attempt them in the next days.  I will present said coworker with the best guava cupcakes they've ever dreamed of and get the ultimate revenge -sweet retribution!!! Or something will come out of it anyway...hopefully a few bucks.

I've been trying to get a feel for any kind of  sucker consumer base at work for either baked goods, specialty items, like these chili powders or basically anything that people will hand me money for.
P was sweet enough to get me a spice grinder for my 49th bday yesterday.  Boy d'ya think standing in the doorway of the scariest age a woman probably turns in her life could have anything to do with the blue mood?  Oh, I'll be honest...I'm terrified, scared stiff.  Good lord I'm OLD! And today makes it official. The shows not over yet but if the plot doesn't get any more interesting, I wouldn't blame anyone from walking out. Hell,  I think I might just walk out.  I really need to figure out a way to stop working for the man, period.  No God would make humans so full of life just to be stuck in lame soul-sucking jobs that have no meaning.  No God is that boring.  I need to figure a way out of my own personal recession. Until then, I'll work at these chili powders. The grinder got the powder to just the right consistency.  The blend is chipotle & negro (pasilla) chilis, toasted whole cumino seeds, onion and garlic powder, mexican oregano, smoked spanish paprika and a dash of salt. Nothing boring about that mix at least.

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