Thursday, October 30, 2014

What May Seem LIke Love Will Soon Fall Apart

Sometimes you wake up and you just want to eat all day.  These are the days when I used to indulge in a giant plate of buttered pasta with various tomato sauces.  The satisfaction of a large amount of hot noodles does something to a girl.  I could never quite pin it down exactly but it felt like a really good trusted friend saying over and over while giving you gentle pats on the back for reassurance, 'it's okay, everything is okay, you're going to be alright now, just eat it all up and then relax awhile.'
There was a slight feeling of sedation.  Because I wasn't badly overweight, I didn't see it as a problem.  But a little voice in my head always whispered, 'you might wanna look into this'.  And I'd say 'shut up little one and pass the cheese!'
I changed my diet a whole lot and now to satisfy those urges I put more color on the plate, I try to make it look prettier and use foods that will help me, not knock me out or depress me.
That's a theme in my life right now, if it doesn't have a positive purpose than I need to decide to get rid of it or repurpose it, whether it be food, friends or objects.  I loved pasta but it left me bloated, feeling uncomfortably full, lethargic and blank.  But yes, the flavors are amazing so I'll have it sometimes in smaller portions but mostly I'll keep the sauce and put it over Veggetti or corn meal, healthier options that leave me feeling lighter and not sluggish.

For breakfast I made soft boiled eggs over cannellini beans and tomatillo sauce with a couple of herb and flax seed crusted chicken tenders.
I can't say I'm all energetic and jumping around over here thanks to my dietary changes in recent years.  I still get stuck in ruts and in my own head, can't get my giddy-up going and maybe this is just who I am but at least I'm no longer feeding the machine that makes it so.  

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