I had a very rare Monday off of work. P did too. As a matter of fact this would be his first in a series of time off as he has just quit his job of 17 years. We agreed to make this very tough decision slowly and he even put it off for a year or two...or five. I had seen a clip of this movie posted by a friend on Facebook. I thought it would be a great kick start to a new phase of life for him and us both really. Movies tend to lend answers to the universe for me. I look to them when I seek inspiration and ideas, and yeah sometimes even real solutions to difficult dilemmas in life. If nothing else, a good one will change your perspective enough to stir your own mental soup.
The movie's core ties together my current ruminations that every single thing is connected. That we are all of us linked in a deeper way than we ever could acknowledge before. Why now, I don't know. Perhaps openings always exist, a chance to take these leaps in consciousness. Nevertheless in the last few years I feel very awake. However, within that same current we can also tune out and put our minds on auto pilot more easily then ever before. Go through our days without showing we are really alive and thinking. Just robotic-ally going through the motions of tasks and obligations, quietly absorbing media.This movie was made in the early 1980s and was perfectly set in New York. Just like Andre in the movie, I had found myself caught up in a week of arrows pointing to just this moment in time. Someone had posted a clip of the movie, I watched it and felt compelled to share with P and of course he knew it and the names of the actors in it right away. I was so intrigued that I insisted we watch it together and he set it up so that we would do so over coffee the next morning, which happened to be his first Monday not going to his horrible job, which also happened to be my day off. Then the whole movie became relevant for both of us in very different ways. I'm assuming anyway. For me, it brought to mind a great time in San Francisco, where I met P and when most conversations with friends were thick with amazing complex ideas. They were more than idle chats but real human exchanges. Questioning the status quo, beliefs and challenging each other. And listening. In some ways I feel we've stop listening to each other. Every one of us.
My hope is that this sets a trend to be in the moment as often as possible. To hear friends and family and strangers. Be grateful for everything. Pray for people. Reject hate speech and try to find common ground. I don't want to have as much fear and anxiety regulating my happiness. But more than that I want to have compelling conversations more regularly at the very least in my own mind.
Breakfast: quick migas with leftover corn tortillas and the last of my broccoli rabe bunch.
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Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?