When my parents started their second restaurant in a new location, the first months were pretty slow. They took to sitting on lawn chairs in the back to pass the time. My dad had a whim to start a breakfast menu and that kick started that location in a big way. He created about seven breakfast dishes and we were all pretty impressed to be honest. Mexican breakfasts? Sure, we knew of them but it seemed a little odd that a town that was still getting used to eating tacos would be willing to try chilaquiles and eggs rancheros etc. But it worked. Eventually, he had a line out the door and could barely keep up with the orders.
I love the morning rush myself. But I only have two customers for breakfast and that's me and P.
Firstly, I laid down a bed of spinach on these Arnold's Sandwich Thins toasted. I scrambled up some eggs light and fluffy, fried up some crumbled Italian sweet sausage, topped that with thinly sliced onions and just a bit of mozzarella cheese and ribbons of basil.
I heated those in the oven just until the cheese melted and got a little brown on top. Dang! That was good.
My dad knew he wanted to open a restaurant. I remember being little and him coming home from working as a Superintendent at a construction company. He'd worked his way up but there was always some ass-wipe that he had to deal with no matter how high he got. He said he wanted to work for himself. I heard him loud and clear even as a dumb squirt chick of like 6 years old. Now, I myself hate working for 'the man' and feel like its all a bunch of bullshit to endure unnecessarily. But I don't have a vision. I don't have a dream (although I am plagued with nightmares). I haven't figured out what to do with my love of food.
'bout a year ago my friend Michael went to Seoul, South Korea and opened a taco truck...no lie.