Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Hey She Give Me Love and I Feel Alright Now

It is not at all embarrassing that I visited a pet bereavement site as we had to put down our dearly beloved Mony Monks this Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020.  It was sudden as we did not know she was sick.  It was awful because she was put to death suddenly and we opted to stay for the procedure to hold her, let her hear comforting words in her last breaths.  I felt that was important because she showed fear and you figure one thing you could do with something so helpless is to be there.  It was tragic because a beautiful creature in the house is such a gift and when it's gone, there is only silence and empty space.

The site says it may help to write a letter to the pet to tell them how much you enjoyed them, to honor them in some way.  I realize this sounds like horseshit but if it helps ease the sadness, I'm willing to do it.  I do feel Mona got a bit of a bum deal, being taken at the tender age of 13.  I know that's not young and she did have a happy little life but when you think of it, you wake one morning and you have a hard time breathing, 2 hours later they're ending your life?  It's a good thing little kitties are always ready to meet their maker, they carry no sin, so reckoning is not an issue.

Mona, or Monkey as she was called was never yelled at, not once or ever had cause to be in trouble like her brother Billy.  He was always into something, a boy to the core.  She was such a sweet little girl presence, a pure delight.  As a young kitten she played for hours by herself, running with her toys until finally plopping down in the sun to sleep, belly first.  She just let go.  She loved our other cat when he was alive and mourned him when he passed by sleeping in his bed, which she had never done before and moped around for a couple of weeks, sniffing his things, laying next to his toys.

She later mastered the art of being comfortable.  She was a long hair so the summers were brutal. She would stretch herself the entire length along the baseboards to feel the cool air. 
Mona was my editor so you can blame her for all the grammar errors
She was a co-writer of this blog, so many times I would be stuck and she would come and give me time to love on her so my mind would clear again.  Or she would fall asleep in some ridiculous position where I had to stop and appreciate her free spirit.

It's shocking how much love these creatures emit and siphon from your cold lifeless heart.  I fell so deeply in love with her.  My husband is the cat person and the pets always take to him right off like he's Saint Francis of freakin' Assisi!  I don't know how many times I watched him carry her around years ago, like a baby, rolling my eyes inside a little.  But secretly I loved it when he lay her next to me and she stayed, so content, this black and white little snowball.  Deep down I felt I didn't deserve something so precious, so perfect.

Later when she got a little older not so spry, he wasn't as intrigued.  Don't get me wrong he loved that cat more than anything and always treated her like a queen, but that's when I felt more of a kinship with her.  Knowing full well how it feels to not be a young girl in this world, I took her on, gave her comfort in her golden years.

R.I.P. Mona the Cat, Mony Monks, Mony-Mony, Monkey, My sweet baby girl.

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Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?