Friday, September 23, 2011

Celebration Day

It's officially fall and its time to celebrate the sweater, the apple and the pear! I love the idea of sweaters. Something warm and comfortable to hug and protect you whilst you're braving the crisp outdoors and even inside. People look more distinguished in sweaters, pants and boots. Most people will have a favorite sweater all season that they'll throw on time and again. It becomes a part of them for months, like your little buddy.

Apples and pears are symbolic of fall too. Pies and cakes, breads, turning the oven on again, smelling the sweetness of baked goods. It all begins to happen during this changing of the seasons. Its all about the bounty and the harvest. Time for a celebration. You don't buy one apple or one pear. You buy a bag or at least 6.

I love the sweet delights but I also love these two with meat. The mixing of the sweet and savory is best of both worlds. Tonight I egg-dipped and Panko breaded some pork chops and fried them up. But first cooked some sliced apples, pears and onions with a bit of butter and just a sprinkling of brown sugar until a bit caramelized and browned in a hot skillet. I just laid those on top of the chops and served with couscous and buttered peas.

Tasted like Fall, felt like a warm sweater!

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