Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reflections of, The Way Life Used to Be

This was my sister R's birthday! Even though she was hundreds of miles away, just the thought of it gave me cause for celebration. Last year I was getting ready to go visit her for the first time in Colorado. Today I had a chance to sit and remember all the fun things we did. Finally look at the pictures again too without noticing how fat my cheeks look and seeing how great it was to be with my sister.
I mentioned a while back that she turned me back on to the joys of pinto beans on that trip so tonight I made a very rich tasty pinto bean soup and garnished with yogurt, cilantro and avocados. The best! And for a dipper I made a great skillet corn bread recipe from the Pioneer Woman website. And as a personal genuflection to our childhood when we made mud pies in the backyard decorated with our mom's flower garden petals and berries from the bushes, I added fresh cilantro leaves and chopped 'penos to the cornbread batter and it baked in so pretty on the top!

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