Wednesday, February 8, 2017

If You Get Caught Between the Moon and New York City

This is a dish that an insane person made.  I'm not so much proud of it as I am interested in what goes on in my head when I come up with oddities like this.  And now I recall.  I worked this day.  We had great weather, almost springlike.  I remember telling a guy at work that I was so hopped up on the upcoming full moon already that I could literally run home I had so much energy.  And that made him laugh because I looked all electrified.  My fingertips and eyes were tingling and my hair was all crazy.  On the bike I thought man, if only I could feel this more often I wouldn't be such a miserable fuck.
I exercise daily, I eat pretty healthy, although you'd never know it by looking at this concoction.  It's a shame to know a state of mind and not be able to retrieve it again by your own conjuring.  The moon does a number on me and sometimes it's fantastic.  Other times its too strong and I feel bonkers, not able to form clear thoughts or stay grounded.  I had this idea to form a pie in a pan with potatoes and meatballs, peppers and then egg was used to bind ...and cheese. Shit got weird when the peas came. It was actually good, I ended up eating it cold out of the fridge that night. Probably just more wolfy behavior.

I took the long way home to find some good street art and happened across all these graffiti artists and some other gems.

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Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?